Monday 13 August 2012

Why does smoke never go back into the chimney?

Why does smoke never go back into the chimney? Why does a drop of water never reform?

These are a few of the common examples of a thing called dissipation and is the principle of entropy. It is the tendency of our universe to evolve to a state of dissipation (to become increasingly disordered) and this is related to the direction of time, a result of the expansion of the universe.

You see when the Big Bang happened (if you believe in this theory) it caused everything to just blow the fuck away and is why our universe is as big as it is. Because of expansion and it is because of this expansion that we red shift. (If you don't know what red shift is look it up because it is now 9:44pm where I am, but you shouldn't need to because its not related as such to dissipation).

But what will happen if the energy of the quantum void becomes to weak? Or if the gravitational forces outweigh the forces of expansion? Well, according to some scientists, alike to a rubber band our universe will snap back when the forces of expansion prove to weak to the forces of gravity, and it will be that moment that the universe will end its phase of contraction. Also called the Big Crunch which is predicted to be in 2092.

 But what will become of time? Will it reverse?

I dont think anyone know's the answer.

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