Wednesday 15 August 2012


What the hell is it?

Pseudoscience is not the same as regular science. I found this very short video to explain to you a few of the subjects in which are Pseudoscience and which are Science;

As said in the video Pseudoscience is kinda superstitions dressed up to look like Science subjects such as Psychology, Criminology and what not. It is from Pseudoscience that we have such theories about Mind control (as mentioned on a previous post), Time travel, Telekinesis, Bioengineering etc.

What makes something Pseudoscience?

What characterises Pseudoscience you mean? In nearly all Pseudoscience, all claims do not obey to a valid scientific methods, lacks plausibility because of it's exaggerated claims and lack of evidence, cannot be reliably tested (mainly because it's claims are so bold), or otherwise lacks scientific status.

And this is why it is so fascinating! Many Scientists live by 'that just because we cannot see, touch, hear, taste or even 'prove' that its true doesn't mean that it's not there'. We have already accepted Psychology and other types of Social Science's enough to actually practise them in society, so just because the theory of time travel seems a little bold and we can't prove it and we may never be able to because it may actually not exist (although I wouldn't be to disappointed if it isn't) but the fun in it is the theorising and the philosphy in it. At least that's what Albert Einstein thought when he was making his theory of special relativity.

"But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
--Carl Sagan

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