Monday 13 August 2012

How does Classical music enhance brain activity?

The Joy of Classical music

I love classical music. Being I nerd, I don't have a choice, otherwise I am no longer allowed in the nerd circle at school. And its not like I'll be welcome to any other cliche's in the school yard. Anyway,other day, one of my non-nerd friends asked ''does Classical music actually make you, like, cleverer?'' (Her word's not mine)

I don't know as all studies conducted on this subject all seem to contradict each other. But if it were to
enhance brain activity and make you ''cleverer'' so to speak, then I imagine it would be because of the following reason. So Jenna, my buddy, this is answering your question ;)

In classical music the instruments do not always play at the same time and at the same note. And it is this pattern of stimuli that requires the brain to logically process this different note playing at different times stuff. And the brain loves it! Without stimulation the brain tissue would die even if you were to preserve it with the nutrition and temperature, which is why when people are locked in an empty room without social stimulation they go slightly crazy. (Which is what my family does to me quite often) :/

And because classical music is a harmony of  beautiful, and genius mathematical precision when the brain detects this it consequently stimulates both hemispheres of the brain and causes to begin to fire in sequence of the particular piece you are listening to.

Damn if the neurons begin to fire to the sequence of the music your listening to, imagine how fast there firing when your listening to this!

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