Monday 13 August 2012

Mind control???

History of ''mind control''

People have always wanted to know if mind control was possible (especially the united states government when they got all happy when they thought that Lysergic acid diethylamide could be the answer to mind control sometime back in the 50's and 60's). The closest the human race has gotten to mind control is hypnotism (unless I missed something in the news today), but then again that would only take you so far as subjecting someone to hypnotism would only make them do something that they are already willing to do. I don't have the answer. And if I did I wouldn't be posting it on here. But I did have a brainwave that in theory would work but then brings up some difficulties.

May I add this post is  in the name of scientific interest only :)

My really crappy theory...

I remember being in school in ICT in year 9 and the class was being very disruptive, as per usual, and so to get the classes attention our teacher from her one computer blanked everyone's computer screen in our classroom. I had read somewhere that the human brain is like an 'organic computer' and so I then made the assumption that it can be hijacked and blanked just like our ICT teacher had done that day to our computer's. 

Here's a little biology lesson for you quickly...

Little arrow pointing to the Thalamus
The Thalamus is the part of the brain that regulates sleep cycles. And the Thalamus is connected to the Cerebral Cortex which controls motor function. Now say you wanted to control someone's mind and get them to go and pick up a magazine off of the coffee table, I hypotheses hat for you to be able to do that, you would have to amplified your own neurotransmitters and brainwaves (as our brain waves are made up of electrical charge and can be amplified like that of any electrical equipment) by using some type of medication such as Adderall or Ritalin (assuming of course you dont have ADHD or ADD)and your brainwaves would have to pick up on the Thalamus activities of the poor soul you are subjecting this onto.

And that's a big but. One question that continues to bug me (well not really as I am not that worried as to how I am going to control someone's mind) is that if you were to theoretically 'control' someone else's mind by 'accessing' there Thalamus then wouldn't that create a sort of waking dream like trance or sleep paralysis for the subjected? Another worry is a psychotic episode. As the Thalamus, as previously mentioned, is responsible for sleep cycles and when there is abnormal activities in this part of the brain during waking periods it makes the host of the brain see or hear things that aren't there even if they are perfectly sane, which is what a psychotic episode is. Although many psychotic episodes are usually a result of stress and fatigue in a sane person and not by someone else trying to control there mind, so I cannot be too sure as too whether if mind control would make someone break into a psychotic episode, although I would not put it pass it.

Another thing, 

I also hypothise that to be able to control someone's mind you would have to be on the same wavelength, which is harder done then said, as everyone has unique electrical thumbprint, if you will, which basically means that you would have a different withstantion of electrical charge than I would. (Hopefully that made sense to you as I forgot all my smart words) And this is relevant to our theory of 'mind control' because you could possible kill the other person if your brain has too much 'power' and vice versa.

Then again, I am just a teenager that has an interest in pseudoscience and have no background in a scientific field other than what I have learnt from lecters on TEDtalks (a good site you should go on) and from books and my incrediably talented teachers at school. But one thing is for sure about mind control.... *see picture below*

Good thing I read books

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