Friday 31 August 2012

The advantage of being small

                                                Who wants to be tall?

In today's time, everyone is obsessed with height as they mistakenly assume that being tall means power over the little people. FUCK NO! In fact short people such as myself have so many more advantages compared to the tall people. And this post is going to explain why....

My science teacher is maybe about 6ft tall and always jokes about with me about how short I am. I am 5ft 3, and in the science lab he always has to reach the little test tube thingamabobs off of the shelf for me, because I just cant reach. But what most people do not know is that short people, many scientists hypothesis, that shorter people thrived better than the lanky people in prehistoric times.

Reason number 1;

Faster reaction time.

How are you going to survive in the wild if you cant react quick enough? The most probable reason why shorter people have quicker reaction time is because we aren't weighed down with really long bones and muscle. I can actually validate this as I have the quickest reaction time in my class with catching a ruler as measured in our science experiment.

Reason number 2;

Size isn't strength.

It's an evolutionary thing to not mess with the 7 ft  300 pound guy because you assume he could squish you. But Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Tony Jaa and Tom cruise are all very short guys and could probably beat any tall guy to the ground because of course they have the necessary training to do so. But it all depends on the individual as anyone with a brain cell can work out as some tall people could beat a small guy and some small guys can beat up the tall one. So this misconception that size equals strength is wrong, it's all about the individual.

Reason number 3;

Small people require less energy to function.

Being small you don't have to eat to much to feel satisfied and so in the wild you don't have to spend hours a day hunting for food as compared to a taller person.

Reason number 4;

Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

People with a taller stature are more likely to have a heart attack or such likes because there heart has to beat harder to get the blood all around there body whereas a small person's heart doesn't have to because they only have a little body and can relax a lot more.

Reason number 5; 

We live for longer.

See all reason's above.

Being small isn't bad at all. I know were not living in a world where we are battling for survival and so all these reaons may seem obsolete because for whatever reason everyone is holding tall people up as the example of accomplishment. But hey, the tall people aren't making millions like this guy are they? Fuck no.

Talk to the hand.

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