Thursday 23 August 2012

Things from the 'Other side'

How could we tell?

I got an email from a blog reader from China asking about my post on the String theory. And his/her's question's were 'do you believe in there being 'another side' and 'if someone from another universe was to come here to our side, how could we tell?'

The answer to the first question is . I just like different theories and writing about them whether I believe them to be true or not. I don't know whether I believe in there being another universe because I haven't decided yet. I can't even decide what I want for breakfast let alone whether I believe in the String theory, so the answer is I dont know. I hope this is very useful.

The answer to the next question is I dont know for sure (I don't really know a lot) but I could theorise that it would have a sort of different emition of energy compared to our stuff. I know this seems really 'Wilheim Reich' but bare with me.

Every organism has a bioelectric field. I have one that is slightly different to your's and you slighlty different to mine, but still in the same 'frequency range' (I am reluctant to call it that) that you could tell we are of the same species. It's actually how a Shark can sense prey from miles away as it is stimulated by magnectic fields that the organisms cells and living tissue produce. So I believe that theoritcally by using the right equipment you could 'read' the energy emitted by that particular person or thing and you would be able to tell if it was from 'the Other side' because it would have a distinctive energy signiture compared to the control group. (The control group being a bunch of people or objects from 'our side').

Although if there were people from the other side living among us it would be one of these two. They are just way too similar to be from the same universe...

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