Tuesday 14 August 2012

About me

This Email I got        

After browsing my email this morning when I had nothing to do as the summer holidays drag on, I had one blog reader asking me questions about myself, my first response was 'weirdo'. But I thought, hey, what do I have to lose? (Hopefully nothing) So blog reader that sent me this email with a series of question's, this is for you ;)

What university do or did you go to?

I don't go to any university as I am not old enough (I am 15), I am currently going to a public secondary school (or as you Americans say High school). I would like to go to university in the future, but I don't think I will be able to afford it as the current part time occupation that I have is a volunteer thing and although I love it and its the best job ever, it won't pay for school. So I will probably have to work as soon as I leave school which isn't a bad thing as I'm sure it's just as fulfilling as going to university.

How did you get so smart?

I am not smart. I just read a lot and am interested in science among other things, but particularly pseudoscience, that's why I suggest that after you read these post's you go and check out the information further (not because I am so stupid I don't know what I'm talking about, but because I could always be wrong, just like any other source you read from).

 What are your aspiration's for the future?

I live by the uncertainty principle (I'll explain that in another post don't worry) so I don't really 'plan' as such. Wherever life takes me I go I guess and am really excited as to where it will take me, whether that's being homeless and selling matchsticks, salesperson trying to keep there head above water , CEO of some big company or a teacher. I can't wait for whatever to come around the corner.

What course's do or did you do in university?

Like I said before, I don't go to university, but if I were to go I would do every university course under the sun. I love almost every subject. (But I really hate math, which I find weird because I got an A in physic's, explain that!) So if I were to do a course it would be everything!

How long have you been interested in Science?

I think I first started like really, really getting into Science when I first got into Year 10 (4th year of secondary school) because I was lucky enough to get a really good teacher/s that were really funny and easy to listen to. I was interested in Science before anyway, but before I just viewed it as a subject that I was good at and that I did on Monday and Tuesday's, now I view it as something that I live and breathe everyday and really enjoy. (Among other Subjects of course)

What job's have you had before?

My first ever 'job' was working in a stable with horses about maybe 2 or 3 years ago, then after I finished that sometimes I would clean the floor of a fish and chip shop so I could get a free dinner for me and my family (which was cool).

Do you think that I would be able to have a career in Science? If so, what path of Science would you recommend?

I am not a person that is such a genius that I have been done every science career in the world, (which I am sure you are disappointed by) damn I'm not even legally allowed to work as such until I am 18. But I know that if you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe then you'll be able to get whatever job it is that you are aiming for, and I hope that you mention me in your acceptance speech for your Nobel Prize :) To encourage you further, I've put on one of my favourite video's that I watch when I get up in the morning, I hope you like it.

(although this particular video is based on sports it can be applied to anything)

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