Tuesday 14 August 2012

Multi Universe theory

After explaining the theory of the Uncertainty Principle of the Schrodinger cat in the video it brought up one explanation of there being a 'multi universe'. Being interested in pseudoscience I have read up on the possibility of there being different universe's where the cat is alive in one and dead in the other. I don't know whether I believe in this or not alike to everything else but I can explain to you the whole 'different universe thing' and the basis that it has.

To understand this we must first understand what a universe is. So...

What is a universe?

'A Universe is a set of photons that interact together, and which do NOT interact, generally, with photons of other universes which have other characteristics. This might better be said to be the spason of the universe that interact determine the characteristics of the universe, but since they determine the properties of the photons. This then amounts to the same thing.'

I was actually pretty impressed with this definition, courtesy of http://www.nexialinstitute.com/mut.htm

Now if the String theory is correct the universe has 9 spatial dimension's and one temporal dimension that were all wound up, but the Big bang blew them the fuck apart and left the dimensions we know as height,width and depth and the one temporal dimension known as time to be deployed.

Now if we lived in a universe were all of these 9 spatial dimensions were twisted together like they had been, how would we distinguish between illusion and reality?

Time is something only us humans (and well everything else in our universe) experiences only going forward in a linear fashion. (Which is also why we don't remember the future we can only make an educated guess of it at best). But what would happen if one of these spatial dimension were not spatial but temporal? Like time. Would we be able to go back and forward as we please? I think so, but I could always be wrong. Would dissipation like explained in a previous post reverse itself? Would the smoke go back into the chimney?

You see, it's because of this String theory that made people think that there could be another universe where there is another you and me but slightly different. And they would be slightly different based on the choices that we make in our lives. An example would be; You are walking across the street and do not look before crossing the road and suddenly a lorry smashes into you with a speed of 500 m/ph causing you to die a very painful, bloody death. Knock on wood this doesn't happen.( But it could.)
                                                                                 (Video on String Theory if you're interested below)
Now lets do that again. You are walking across the street and you look both ways and allow a lorry to pass you by before crossing the street to meet your sibling for lunch in the cafe across the road as you planned earlier that morning. You both greet each other in the cafe and your sibling announces that they are going to set you up with a blind date. You meet that blind date, fall in love and get married to that individual.

Now in one universe, you died because you CHOSE not to look both ways before crossing the street. In the other you CHOSE to look both ways and lived to meet your future husband/wife (who is incrediably hot if you dont mind me saying) later that day. This is the same concept as Schrondiger's cat; Your either dead or alive but you cant be both in the same universe.

It is through this cat stuff and the spatial dimesions that give the multi-universe theory a sort of basis as to whether it could be true, but there is at the moment no crediable proof, so we are going to have to leave it to science fiction to tell us all about the 'other side'.

Although... I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin is from another universe. She sure as fuck didn't come from here.

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