Monday 27 August 2012

Smarter kids are more likely to use drugs


Its True (Unfortunately)

Thankfully I do not know this from experience but from using the little peanut in my head. Many people would find this statement very surprising at first glance, but when you mull over it, it makes perfect sense.


My hypothesis is that children with higher IQ's and a higher dedication to learn will be more likely to try drugs at least once during there lifetime's.

You see, whether Adults like to admit it or not, school no longer serves a purpose. Its just a place in which we dump our children so that we can go to work, and since our youngsters and teenagers have no economic value anymore like they did back in the industrial period, we leave them in school because they would be in the way. (Which they probably wouldn't if we gave them a chance)

And in this school, it becomes a sort of prison environment, where the inhabitants live in a bubble. A bubble where there actions have no 'real' consequences. I remember a girl in my class was angry because she wasn't allowed to go on a school trip because she was due to be in seclusion that day (which they also do in prisons), and she said in her last school (she was excluded from the last) she pushed a girl down the stairs and broke her wrist but she was still allowed to go to a theme park the next day with the whole school. There are no real consequences when you live in a bubble because your actions only affect everyone locally, they don't actually even cause a blimp on the radar in the 'real' world. (The real world being the one where we all work and socialise with our co-workers.)

In the Bubble

So with a lack of consequences and without a purpose and no stimulation, children and teenagers very smartly and resourcefully create a little makeshift hierarchy and little world (like what happens in prison), in which nobody wants to be at the bottom of and so people claw to be at the top where they are safe.

But smart people who want to learn don't claw because they simply don't want to be popular. Instead what they want is to learn. And this is what makes them easy targets because they (or we if you classify yourself in this group) instead of going to parties, prefer to read book's and practise for that test on Monday morning. I'm not saying Nerd's don't want to conform, it's human nature to want to be part of the herd, but people who crave stimulation of the intellectual kind want to be smarter more than over being popular.

Have you ever wondered why poor white people from the southern states of America are one of the most racially abusive towards black people? (of course this does not apply to every white person from the southern states of America as I tend to find most of them quite sweet)

Often it's because Black people in there view are the only group of people in which they can tread on to make themselves appear to be higher up the hierarchy. Which is wrong because no one is either above nor below each other, just as no child is either above or below one another, but because of this kill or be killed mentality that seems to infect teenagers and children they feel as if they have to have someone below them. And the people at the bottom are more often then not smart people because being 'smart' is not a desirable trait compared to being attractive and envied.

How could we not expect them to use drugs?

Living in a bubble in which they don't fit in and being there only world that they can live in during there secondary school years can make them feel bored from the same routine of endless teasing by peers and the lack of purpose of school. And this can make one want to seek stimulation, as that it what makes someone smart someone that seeks new challenges to stimulate brain activity, that they cannot get from school and want to escape the bubble that I have just described (and bored you with, very sorry). So when there world is this cruel and boring, who are we as Adults (who see ALL of this and just blame it on hormones getting to them so we can continue working to survive this economy crash btw) to tell them not to?

And the worst part is I don't have a theory (very unsual I know) on how to make it better for the children.

'No one dies a Virgin. Life fucks us all.'

                                                                    -Kurt Cobain


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