Friday 5 October 2012

Homing Pigeons and Missing people.

Okay dudes, I have a theory (another one) which most likely will not work, but this site is dedicated to talking about 'out-there' theories so here we go...

If you live in England and have been watching the news as of late, you would have realised about the amount of people going missing recently. In fact the news is dedicated to people going missing which is really depressing, and whilst in my top set science class (like how I dropped 'top-set' in there?) my teacher and I lost a whole tray of test tubes, and I thought 'there should be something that can just find stuff for us' and then it hit me.....

Homing Pigeons!!!

Yes that's right homing Pigeons!

Homing Pigeons, for those who don't know, are selectively bred to find there way home over extremely long distances. They can find there way home from anywhere and how they can do this is because there beaks have iron particles in them and this acts as there 'magnet pointers' and they use the earths magnetic fields as to know which way is north, south etc.

So how the fuck would a Pigeon help us find missing people?

Well, if you remember in one of my previous posts about humans having there own bio-electric fields and that is how sharks hunt there prey by using there chosen preys magnetic field to detect where they are, why cant we expose the Homing Pigeons to the missing persons bio-electric field?

You see, a persons bio-electric/aura/ magnetic field what ever the fuck you want to call it, when the person interacts with an object such as clothing,jewelry or a book a sort of current is left on it from there bio-electric fields. So wouldn't the Pigeons, when exposed for long enough to the persons bio-electric field, be able to find there way to the person?

Its worth a shot right?

Of course I disclaim that this will actually work, its just something that I thought of, but I think someone should definately try this because it is just so crazy that it could work.

But as for the missing children that have been featuring in the news recently, I sincerly hope they are found by the hard-working police officers and there families.


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