Wednesday 5 September 2012

Womens Domestic Capability

Fuck it. That'll do.

I think this is Women's attitude to cleaning compared to men's. And this is why I think this.

Women can multitask

This is true.  Human multitasking is the best performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time. And Women do better at it as the part of our brains that allow us to multitask is actually thicker (allowing for more brain power so to speak) then men's.


The brain cannot fully focus when multitasking, and people take longer to complete tasks and are predisposed to error, which is why although women can multitask better, the task's that we carry out are usually not done to it's fullest. For instance; In the morning I always wipe down the kitchen side after I gorge down my breakfast but I never get right into the corners of the counter (although this could be down to laziness.) Men however, when they do a task they get right into it! I mean when you force them to or your lovely husband decides to surprise you by cleaning the counter, the corners of it are sparkling!

The reason why men typically are better at housework (although it always depends on the individual) is because they can't multitask very well so they complete every task to the fullest to compensate so to speak.

So for all these unfunny joke's made by douches (not all by men) about 'Women get back into the Kitchen' or 'Make me a Sandwich' how about YOU get into the kitchen and make me a Sandwich because your obviously better at it. BOOM! Roasted!    


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