Sunday 2 September 2012

Autism and Genius

Everyone has Autism to some degree

With every negative side there will always be a positive. Its the same with psychological disorders. Having Autism and Aspergers can make living everyday life hard for some people that have the disorder to a higher degree, but Autism can make that particular individual more creative and focused.

I don't like to say the word disorder

And that's with everything. I mean just because they have a different way of looking at the world (which is what it is) doesn't mean they are wrong, does it? In fact looking at the world differently to everyone else is where new idea's are generated from, example's are; Albert Einstein, George Orwell, H G Wells, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Beethoven, Mozart, Hans Christian Andersen and Immanuel Kant. Of course these dude's died before Autism and Aspergers became an available ''condition''.


The link between Genius

Autism and Aspergers produce people who are;
  • Highly focused
  • Don't integrate into the school system very well 
  • Have poor social relationships and eye contact. (which is probably why they are so focused)
  • Can be paranoid and oppositional but are usually highly moral and ethical.
This doesn't sound so bad. And these are the qualities that make a genius. All they need is an empathic Adult/Parent/Friend to understand them and they can thrive in whatever they want to. In fact we as humans always tell our children 'do what makes you happy' and 'dont care what others think' which is what many people who have what our society deems as 'problems' most likely wouldn't be so unhappy if we just accepted them for who they are. Of course there will always be a few hiccups in the road called life but thats with everyone isn't it?


If you have an Autistic relative or child your doing a great job, you should be really proud of yourself and your relative, and if you can both understand eachother it can be one of the most rewarding relationship you can ever have. Keep in mind what's been said in this post and find a way that allows both the Autistic and yourself to thrive as everyone is unique and there will never be just one way.


It's not a problem if you don't allow it to be.

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