Sunday 2 September 2012

IFA expo have a lot of Gadgets it's just no one can afford them

It can be suspected that this particular technology firm missed the news about there being a reccession as many of there new gadgets will most likely be left to gather dust on the shelves.

The annual IFA expo in Berlin is filled with the newest products - everything from the smartest mobile phones to the biggest TVs. Seriously if your a gadget guy you'd be in heaven! But some of this new technology is not only pointless but far too expensive. Take a look at this very fine specimen (I mean the Samsung Pavilion not the model with it.)

Something tells me I won't be needing this new technology anytime soon as I am very content with my mobile phone that look's like a brick but it definately is very impressive.


Worrying because no one see's the point in themselves owning the latest and greatest gadgets and so firms that make new gadgets can never return there investments. Shows like the annual IFA used to direct the way the tech world would be in the months and years afterwards.

But with more people having money struggles it can be assumed that these companies will have to lower there prices of these new gadgets so that the majority can afford them and thus these companies can break even until the economy picks back up. Hopefully that will be soon which means good news for us and bad news for bankers!!!

 I can't wait to own whatever it is in the picture, finally I could impress all my other Nerd friends.

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