Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Fibancci Sequence


Hiya guys sorry I havent written much lately, been busy trying to write a new science book (which isnt looking good lately), but I have something special for you guys in this post.

The fibanci sequence is a series of numbers that go like this;

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, ...

It just goes on forever! The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. The 2 is found by adding 1+1, the same for 21 which is 8+13 etc.

In fact when you add squares next to each other it makes a spiral as depicted below.


                                              The squares put together make a spiral
Fibonacci Spiral

Do you see how the squares fit neatly together?
For example 5 and 8 make 13, 8 and 13 make 21, and so on.

Thats great and all, but what is so special about the fibancci sequence?

What is so special about the Fibonacci sequence is that it exhibits a certain numerical pattern which originally was the answer to an exercise in the first ever school algebra text. But this pattern turned out to have importance far beyond what they all thought at the time.

It is used to model or describe an amazing variety of phenomena, in maths, science, art and nature, you name it! The mathematical ideas the Fibonacci sequence leads to, such as the golden ratio (which is 1.618...), spirals and self- similar curves, have long been appreciated for their charm and beauty, but no one can really explain why they they are so appealing, but many people think that nature has hardwired us to like this particular pattern so as to have healthy offspring and such.


 This is a song by a famous band called Tool and they have used the numbers of the fibancci sequence to write the beats to the song and so on. Its a very nice song.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Womens Domestic Capability

Fuck it. That'll do.

I think this is Women's attitude to cleaning compared to men's. And this is why I think this.

Women can multitask

This is true.  Human multitasking is the best performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time. And Women do better at it as the part of our brains that allow us to multitask is actually thicker (allowing for more brain power so to speak) then men's.


The brain cannot fully focus when multitasking, and people take longer to complete tasks and are predisposed to error, which is why although women can multitask better, the task's that we carry out are usually not done to it's fullest. For instance; In the morning I always wipe down the kitchen side after I gorge down my breakfast but I never get right into the corners of the counter (although this could be down to laziness.) Men however, when they do a task they get right into it! I mean when you force them to or your lovely husband decides to surprise you by cleaning the counter, the corners of it are sparkling!

The reason why men typically are better at housework (although it always depends on the individual) is because they can't multitask very well so they complete every task to the fullest to compensate so to speak.

So for all these unfunny joke's made by douches (not all by men) about 'Women get back into the Kitchen' or 'Make me a Sandwich' how about YOU get into the kitchen and make me a Sandwich because your obviously better at it. BOOM! Roasted!    


Sunday 2 September 2012

IFA expo have a lot of Gadgets it's just no one can afford them

It can be suspected that this particular technology firm missed the news about there being a reccession as many of there new gadgets will most likely be left to gather dust on the shelves.

The annual IFA expo in Berlin is filled with the newest products - everything from the smartest mobile phones to the biggest TVs. Seriously if your a gadget guy you'd be in heaven! But some of this new technology is not only pointless but far too expensive. Take a look at this very fine specimen (I mean the Samsung Pavilion not the model with it.)

Something tells me I won't be needing this new technology anytime soon as I am very content with my mobile phone that look's like a brick but it definately is very impressive.


Worrying because no one see's the point in themselves owning the latest and greatest gadgets and so firms that make new gadgets can never return there investments. Shows like the annual IFA used to direct the way the tech world would be in the months and years afterwards.

But with more people having money struggles it can be assumed that these companies will have to lower there prices of these new gadgets so that the majority can afford them and thus these companies can break even until the economy picks back up. Hopefully that will be soon which means good news for us and bad news for bankers!!!

 I can't wait to own whatever it is in the picture, finally I could impress all my other Nerd friends.

What is Suspended animation?


Seriously What the Fuck is it?

Well my 200 blogger friends let me explain what it is as I usually do in my weird and frankly fucking wild blog post's.

Suspended animation is the art of shutting down life processes and then starting them up again. It's wild stuff, but it's not science fiction. (Just pseudoscience if you read my previous post)

Suspended animation can potentially help trauma and heart attack victims survive long enough to be treated which is very awesome. In fact I found a video from TEDTalks to explain it far better than I could. I'm way too nice to you guys.

I liked this video but I expected more of an applause when he said he saved thousands of babies, I mean come on, the dude is saving babies and the crowd barely made a noise. I applauded though.

Autism and Genius

Everyone has Autism to some degree

With every negative side there will always be a positive. Its the same with psychological disorders. Having Autism and Aspergers can make living everyday life hard for some people that have the disorder to a higher degree, but Autism can make that particular individual more creative and focused.

I don't like to say the word disorder

And that's with everything. I mean just because they have a different way of looking at the world (which is what it is) doesn't mean they are wrong, does it? In fact looking at the world differently to everyone else is where new idea's are generated from, example's are; Albert Einstein, George Orwell, H G Wells, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Beethoven, Mozart, Hans Christian Andersen and Immanuel Kant. Of course these dude's died before Autism and Aspergers became an available ''condition''.


The link between Genius

Autism and Aspergers produce people who are;
  • Highly focused
  • Don't integrate into the school system very well 
  • Have poor social relationships and eye contact. (which is probably why they are so focused)
  • Can be paranoid and oppositional but are usually highly moral and ethical.
This doesn't sound so bad. And these are the qualities that make a genius. All they need is an empathic Adult/Parent/Friend to understand them and they can thrive in whatever they want to. In fact we as humans always tell our children 'do what makes you happy' and 'dont care what others think' which is what many people who have what our society deems as 'problems' most likely wouldn't be so unhappy if we just accepted them for who they are. Of course there will always be a few hiccups in the road called life but thats with everyone isn't it?


If you have an Autistic relative or child your doing a great job, you should be really proud of yourself and your relative, and if you can both understand eachother it can be one of the most rewarding relationship you can ever have. Keep in mind what's been said in this post and find a way that allows both the Autistic and yourself to thrive as everyone is unique and there will never be just one way.


It's not a problem if you don't allow it to be.